Tuesday, June 25, 2013

drones? coming to a farm near you

yet again we inch closer to nightmare scenarios of robotic, post apocalyptic landscapes and surveillance state, so corporate-backed farmers can keep an eye on everything, never even having to expose themselves to their own poison and never touch the earth. they can just farm from their lawn ensconced lairs. the same data could be collected by going around in the field, but that would entail being connected to the land. but these farmer's don't bring their children around after they spray and put their crops in, nor do they want to walk around in their desolate fields, devoid of good and bad insects and plants and pollinators, with neat, trim rows of frankencrops. this is an inversion of the family sustainable farm, as the soil just gets depleted, saturated with toxins, and then producing only chemically pumped up feed crops that will bioaccumlate all their poisons in your dairy, meats and poultry. vote with your dollars and stopping buying corporate produce.

it is interesting to see Walmart making moves into produce hard. commercials abound where they take over some mom and pop looking produce stand and replace the produce they sell with walmart brand (though they are likely still shipped in from the same plantations, or corporate agrotoxic farms) and you can read a prophetic piece from 2011 here walmart taking over our food
 walmart vendetta against small farmers?
small farmers are not cashing in on walmart produce push
the collusion between corporations and revolving door politicians who work for companies, then as lawmakers, then back to the corporation or are appointed to the highest courts will also be fortified with advanced technologies and neocolonial business models. the globalization of food has wrecked local economies, one of the most poignant examples to us being the plight of dairy farmers in Jamaica, who can not produce milk cheaper than the cargo tankers that bring it in and literally flood the markets pushing the price so low that they can not compete (see excellent documentary Life and Debt embedded above). It's the same model of taking a loss on batteries and other items so that local hardware stores can not even inch by on some quick, small profit but high volume sales. So two of the world's most ruthless corporations are cornering the world's food and seed supply (and water and land resources) and importing the third world to America via cultural genocide, a complete abandonment in investing in infrastructure, education and pledging utter fidelity to corporate pirates that will literally loot and plunder every asset, forest and field for every dollar. unbeatable takes on a new meaning. these are beta tests of larger programs to acclimate the omnipresent all watching eye. it might sound crazy but maybe they want to kill off the bees so farmers will be forced to buy robotic bees and pollinator robobees because they use local gestapos to seize and kill bees that are resistant to Monsanto's Round Up, so don't forget about this: Illinois illegally seizes bees resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup; Kills remaining Queens

Drones and Farming:

read here



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